
Your Needs

Common needs

Regardless of the type of real estate you own or manage, there are some common needs that require an objective analysis.

Higher level needs

Complex real property issues require a higher level of expertise, judgment, objectivity, and due diligence.

Reporting needs

With a clear understanding of your need, we will tailor a report specific to your purpose.

Navigating the real estate market as it relates to purchasing or selling your home or investment property can be a challenge.

Questions arise such as:

  • How much is my property worth in todays market?
  • Is it the right time to buy or sell in today's economy?
  • How long will it take to sell my property?
  • How do I ensure my real estate broker, mortgage broker, and/or lawyer is working in my best interests?

An objective evaluation of your property will answer all these questions and more. You will receive:

  • a complete analysis of todays economic market under which the property is located, including the factors affecting the real property value.
  • a comprehensive report providing a reliable, objective valuation to base your decisions on

The questions surrounding the financing of real estate can come from many situations. Whether you are:

  • financing your first acquisition
  • re-financing to take advantage of leveraging capabilities, or
  • looking to finance a new development venture

A professional, objective analysis of the existing property or proposed development in question is your protection to making key financial decisions.

For existing properties, questions arise such as:

  • How much financing is appropriate?
  • What level of risk will the financing have on the property?
  • Will my capital investment increase the property value?
  • How much capital investment is too much in today's economy?

For a proposed development, questions arise such as:

  • What is the market value of my proposed development?
  • Will the proposed development create a reasonable return?
  • Is the proposed development financially sustainable?
  • Do the economic factors exist for a successful development?
  • Is the proposed development the best use of the land?

Prior to discussing your financing options with a mortgage broker or lending institution, we encourage you to ensure you have all the facts required to make the best informed decision.

Do you believe your property is assessed accurately?

Our experience has shown that most property owners and managers require an experienced valuation professional to guide them in property assessment and property tax matters.

With property tax being one of the largest operating expenses for an investment property, having an experienced professional in your corner is key to ensuring the expense is properly managed.

We offer a complete management program that keeps you informed throughout the entire assessment and appeal process.

In addition, we offer our experience in matters relating to allocation and recovery of property tax expenses.

Development of real estate requires large capital investment. Ensure your investment is well thought out by having the answers to the following questions.

  • What is the market value of my proposed development?
  • Will the proposed development create a reasonable return?
  • Is the proposed development financially sustainable?
  • Do the economic factors exist for a successful development?
  • Is the proposed development the best use of the land?

Our professional valuation experts will help you with an objective analysis of your potential development to provide you with the factual basis on which to proceed.

Have you suffered a loss on your property through fire, flood, etc.?
Does your claim and/or settlement accurately reflect the true value lost?
Are you over-insured and paying a higher premium than your actual property value should require?
Are you covered adequately?

Insurance is often a necessary expense that provides a measure of security against unforeseen events.

Our experience in handling insurance related issues will provide you with a sense of comfort in knowing your interests are being professionally and objectively evaluated during a difficult time.

As with other aspects of real property, environmental issues can be contentious and have a large effect on property values.

If your property has experienced environmental damage, or if you are considering purchasing a property that has environmental issues, we can help you answer questions such as the following:

  • How has the environmental issue impacted the property value?
  • Will there be any potential development issues now or into the future?
  • If I am selling or purchasing an environmentally damaged property, what can I reasonably expect in the short or long term.

Our independent analysis can provide peace of mind and protect any investment contemplated in an environmentally challenged property.

Is your land is being partially of fully expropriated?

Are you expropriating property?

Regardless of which side of the transaction you are on, our professionals will determine the effect of the expropriation by considering all the factors required to ensure fair and equitable compensation.

Are you involved in a legal dispute over land value?
Do you need expert testimony in an appeal process, arbitration or a similar legal proceeding?

Young & Associates are accredited members of The Appraisal Institute of Canada and The Nova Scotia Real Estate Appraisers Association. Substantiating our findings in court or any legal proceeding is part of our professional services.

Market analysis always plays a key role in our process.

A common example is the value of residential rental units per square foot of space. This metric will obviously be influenced by examining factors in similar units such as the local vacancy rate, the average rental fee per square foot, the average sale price per square foot or the building or replacement cost.

Whether a particular property transaction or investment is residential, commercial, industrial or agricultural, it occurs within a marketplace and is subject to market forces.

We make sure the values presented and discussed are realistic and based on fair market value and real world scenarios.


You are ready to invest but is it worth it in the long run?
Are your projected costs realistic?
What potential unforeseen costs are there in your prospective project or transaction.
Will your asset hold it’s value and appreciate over time? 

Every real estate investment, transaction or development has unique challenges. Of paramount importance, of course, is feasibility as it is the life blood of a project. Based on financing, schedule and resources, what is feasible for one developer or speculator may not be feasible for another. 

Like economists, appraisers do not have crystal balls for predicting the unforeseen. What we do have is a systematic approach and analytical vision. We know our marketplace in our area of coverage. Basically we want to confirm, with an unbiased approach, and based on real market analysis, whether your project’s estimated value at completion either equals or exceeds the estimated costs.

What is your land or property really worth?
What is the true potential of a property under current or future circumstances?
Conversely, are there ignored issues or circumstances that contradict claims of value or projections of appreciation?
The term “highest and best use” is a metric or measuring stick used to project realistic options and figures. The Appraisal Institute of Canada defines it as: 

“The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, legally permissible, financially feasible and that results in the highest value.” 

This is the professionally and legally accepted term that forms the criteria of consideration when determining a realistic figure of value. If you need a Highest and Best Use Study we provide certainty through disciplined and strategic adherence to this core principle.

So you are about to proceed with development and you’ve tabulated all your obvious costs.
Have you considered all of the indirect costs? 

Are you pondering a major renovation and wondering if complete demolition and reconstruction may be more cost effective? 

Are you interested in developing land but skeptical about the real return you will receive based on the true cost of things such as municipal taxes, road construction and site preparation? 

Are you considering relocating to a larger site and concerned about the best choice in terms of future value and return on your investment? 

Since the art of appraisal is very much a disciplined, formulaic pursuit, these and other questions can be answered through realistic projections based on real market figures. 

Through ongoing research and comparative analysis we keep a watchful eye on the true cost and the real benefits of factors affecting properties.


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